"What’s the Point of New Media?" (v. OSU)

Ball, Cheryl E. (2008, February 1). What’s the point of new media?  Evaluating transitional, digital scholarship. English Department, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

Professor Ball will speak on “What’s the Point of New Media? Evaluating Transitional, Digital Scholarship.” In this presentation, she will address the recent MLA Task Force report, Evaluating Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion (2006), which acknowledges an increasing need for thoughtful new strategies of evaluating digital scholarship in departments of English. Professor Ball will look at a contemporary heuristic (Warner, 2007) for reading and evaluating “webtexts” (texts that convey most of their meaning through text and hyperlinks) and compare them to “new media texts” that use multimodal elements to enact and convey meaning. This talk will be especially relevant for colleagues who might be involved in reading and evaluating new media texts during tenure and promotion cases. The presentation will be exploratory–just like the new media texts that it investigates–and discussion/interaction from the audience will be encouraged.

accompanying materials

  • Note: The heuristic comes from Allison Brovey Warner’s (2007) dissertation entitled, Assessing the Scholarly Value of Online Texts (U of Maryland).



