Journet, Debra; Ball, Cheryl E.; & Trauman, Ryan. (Eds.). (in press). The new work of composing [Digital book]. Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press.
This “book-length” collection entitled The New Work of Composing examines the complex and semiotically rich challenges and opportunities posed by new modes of composing, new forms of rhetoric, new concepts of texts and textuality, and new ways of making meaning. In particular, this multimodal, digital book will explore how digital media are shaping our understanding of scholarly projects within composition studies. In so doing, it will address the need to re-think what constitutes the “book” in an era of “born digital” scholarship.
- 12/08: Table of contents selected
- Update 10/09: prospectus accepted by Computers and Composition Digital Press; chapters under review; revision feedback for authors expected by 12/09.
accompanying materials
- call for chapters
- prospectus (pdf)
- interface prototype
- introduction
- email of acceptance from CCDP editors (pdf)