Ball, Cheryl E. (2008–09). Digital scholarship in the Humanities, Part 1: Authors’ composition and revision processes of new media scholarship. New Faculty Initiative Grant, Illinois State University. $3,500.
My research question is whether new media scholars’ writing processes are the same whether they are composing for print or new media. That is, do the rhetorical decisions authors make when they are composing change depending on whether they are writing for print or writing for new media. My primary objective is to discover the connections (as well as any disconnections) between these composition processes for authors, whom I will interview. My purpose in doing this research is to compare the value of new media composition processes to the already-valued processes of composing for print. In addition, I hope to discover value differences between these composition strategies. The outcomes will include a national conference presentation and an article.
I have successfully gathered the research for this project, which includes over 100 hours of video footage, screencasts, chat transcripts, and audio interviews (with one of the four authors) working collaboratively and at a distance as they composed a digital media chapter for the multimodal scholarly book I am editing, The New Work of Composing. My plan had been to code this data for use in the Afterword of the book, but that plan has shifted as the Afterword needed to accomplish different goals in the book. Thus, I plan to code the data and write it up for a future article and conference presentation.
accompanying materials
- grant proposal (pdf)