"Building the future of the book with The New Work of Composing"

Ball, Cheryl E. (2010–11). Building the future of the book with The New Work of Composing. Pre-Tenure Faculty Initiative Grant, Illinois State University. $3,500 [Internal].

With this PFIG grant, I will complete the afterword and index to the first digital, multimodal book published by an academic press: The New Work of Composing, an edited collection that will be published in 2011. The index is an interactive database of keywords based on each chapter’s digital assets (i.e., web pages, images, videos, audio files, written text, etc.). The afterword is a multimedia essay based on sample keyword searches in the index-database, addressing how the intellectual work of the “book” changes when distributed in a multimedia environment. This book also has 14 multimodal chapters and an introduction, which has already been drafted for the prospectus. To complete the index and afterword, I will continue work started this past summer with the creators of the Dynamic Backend Generator (a database program) at the University of Southern California. The DBG designers helped me create a prototype of the database to be used for the book’s index, to which the afterword will be linked.

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