Category: Presentations, Invited

  • Exploring Two Decades of Evaluating Digital Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion (in the Humanities)

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, September 18). Exploring two decades of evaluating digital scholarship for tenure and promotion (in the humanities). Brown University Library, Providence, RI. abstract In this presentation at the Brown University Library, Cheryl Ball outlines the history of digital scholarship in the humanities and traces the accompanying changed to tenure and promotion practices.…

  • The Big Tent of Multimodal Composition

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, August 27). The big tent of multimodal composition. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. abstract Cheryl Ball presented at Virginia Commonwealth University on the editorial pedagogy she uses in her classroom and in her work as editor of the Journal Kairos to evaluate multimodal, digital scholarship. supplemental materials (view on SlideShare to see presentation notes)

  • The Future of Scholarly Publishing, or How C&W Rules the World

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, May 28). The future of scholarly publishing, or How C&W rules the world! Keynote presentation at Computers & Writing, University of Wisconsin-Stout, WI. abstract A keynote presentation at the Computers & Writing 2015 conference in Menomenie, WI, presented by Dr. Cheryl E. Ball. The talk outlines both a humanistic approach…

  • Rethinking Academic Publishing Through Multimedia Scholarship

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, March 20). Rethinking academic publishing through multimedia scholarship. Digital Humanities Group, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA. abstract Cheryl Ball presented this talk to the Digital Humanities Group at the College of William & Mary. She details how the field of digital writing studies has fostered the scholarly, social, and…

  • The Asymptotic Relationship between Digital Humanities and Computers and Writing

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, February 5). The asymptotic relationship between Digital Humanities and Computers and Writing. Emory University Writing Program lecture series. Atlanta, GA. abstract In this presentation at Emory University, Cheryl Ball discusses the often tense relationship between writing studies and digital humanities and points to a productive future where the two fields might…

  • “The Asymptotic Relationship Between Digital Humanities and Computers and Writing” @ Emory University

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, February 5). The asymptotic relationship between Digital Humanities and Computers and Writing [Keynote]. Emory University Writing Program lecture series. Atlanta, GA. [1.5 hours, includes Q&A] abstract t/k supplemental materials  

  • “Building a Digital Portfolio” workshop @ Emory University

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, February 5). Building a digital portfolio. Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Retrieved from YouTube at <> abstract An hour-long presentation (plus Q&A) on creating professional digital portfolios for the academic job market, as presented to the Emory University writing program and community. supplemental materials

  • CWPA Plenary: “Sustainable Infrastructures & the Future of Writing Studies”

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, July 18). Sustainable infrastructures & the future of writing studies. Plenary paper delivered at the Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference, Boise, ID. abstract In order to sustain our digital publishing efforts in writing studies, we need to attend to three forms of infrastructure: scholarly, social, and technical. This talk…

  • R&R is the new A: Integrating multimodality into composition curricula

    description I presented this talk on April 22, 2011, at Mesa Community College as part of a Bedford St.-Martin’s symposium on 21st century literacies. accompanying materials ASU-MESA CC Talk View more presentations from s2ceball.

  • "The Contestation of Multimodality in New Media Scholarship"

    citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2009, Dec. 2). The contestation of multimodality in new media scholarship. Visual Culture Colloquium, Illinois State University, Normal, IL. abstract Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy has been publishing digital media scholarship since 1996, and each new medium and digital technology offers authors changing ways that they can make…