Tag: open-access
"Logging On: #CWroundup"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2009). Logging on: #CWroundup. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 14(1). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/14.1/loggingon/index.html description This editorial column, written as a series of tweets (i.e., 140-character Twitter updates), describes the major discussion threads from the 2009 Computers & Writing conference at UC-Davis. One of the keynote speakers at C&W asked audience…
"Logging On: Kairos FTW!"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2009). Logging on: Kairos FTW! Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 13(2). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/13.2/loggingon/loggingon.html description This editorial column announces the journal’s win of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) Design Award, as well as discusses the current state of acceptance of digital (media) scholarship in the humanities, as evidenced by its (lack…
"Logging On: New Design Debut"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2008). Logging on: New design debut. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 13(1). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/13.1/loggingon/loggingon.html description Readers will already have noticed our biggest announcement for this issue: the redesign! Years in the brainstorming phase, the redesign team of three staffers—Kathie Gossett, Karl Stolley, and Doug Eyman—made it all happen over the last year. They…
"Logging on: Manifestos!"
citation DeWitt, Scott L., & Ball, Cheryl E. (2008). Logging on: Manifestos! [Guest editors’ column]. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 12(3). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/12.3/loggingon/index.html description This editorial column (written for the special issue, co-guested-edited with Scott Lloyd DeWitt) introduces the reasons why we wanted to have an issue dedicated to manifestos, as cutting-edge ideas often not published in…
"Computers & Writing 2007: Virtual Urbanism"
citation Hewett, Beth L. & Ball, Cheryl E. (2008). Computers & Writing 2007: Virtual urbanism. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 12(2). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/12.2/loggingon abstract In this issue, the Topoi section of Kairos is pleased to showcase three webtexts originating from the 2007 Computers and Writing Conference (C&W) in Detroit: one focused on virtual case environments developed for…
"Digital Scholarship"
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2007). Digital scholarship. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 12(1). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/12.1/binder.html?loggingon/index.html abstract In this issue, the Topoi section of Kairos is pleased to showcase two webtexts about digital scholarship, which connect to the Praxis section’s theme on tools for composing digital scholarship and the inaugural publication of the Inventio…
"Reflections and Resolutions"
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2007). Reflections and resolutions. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 11(2). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/11.2/binder.html?loggingon/ abstract This editorial column introduces four webtexts published as part of the proceedings for the 2006 Computers & Writing conference in Lubbock, TX. Conference Chair Rich Rice overviews the conference, and the next two texts discuss issues…
"Disability and Technology"
citation Hewett, Beth L., & Ball, Cheryl E. (2002). Disability and technology. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 7(1). http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/7.1/binder2.html?coverweb/bridge.html description This editorial column introduces five webtexts that discuss issues of disabilities and technologies in writing classrooms, as well as two “conversations” about disability, technology, and webtext authoring captured between several sets of authors in the CoverWeb…
"Issues of New Media"
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2003). Issues of new media. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 8(1). http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/8.1/binder2.html?coverweb/index.html description This editorial column introduces five cutting-edge (in 2003, and some still) webtexts for the new media issue of Kairos. The column also discusses the history and reasons for choosing new media for this issue, definitions…
"Poetry & Song: The Process of Composing"
citation Designer. (2001). Poetry & Song: The Process of Composing [Website]. http://www.hu.mtu.edu/oldsites/poemandsong abstract The Poetry and Song website showcases the relationship between the written word and song. Featuring renowned writer and keyboardist Bill Payne from the group Little Feat, this site lets you explore how professionals approach the craft of songwriting. Payne shares his original…