"RAW: Reading and Writing New Media"

Ball, Cheryl E., & Kalmbach, James. (Eds.). (forthcoming). RAW: Reading and writing new media. Hampton Press: Cresskill, NJ.

RAW (Reading & Writing) New Media
is an edited collection of contemporary theoretical and pedagogical issues in new media studies. Chapters are written by a range of digital writing studies scholars, from graduate students to full professors. There is an accompanying website to the book.raw-cover


  • In progress: Prospectus and four chapters go to MIT Press in November 2006, for consideration. 18 chapters are in final editing stages.
  • Accepted for publication: Book is forthcoming from Hampton Press (Fall/Winter 2009) with 21 chapters.
  • In press/Update 9/12/09: Final proofs have been checked.
  • In press/Update 10/20/09: Index has been completed.

accompanying materials


