“Genre and transfer in a multimodal composition class”

Ball, Cheryl E.; Fenn, Tyrell; & Scoffield Bowen, Tia. (2013). Genre and transfer in a multimodal composition class. In Carl Whithaus & Tracey Bowen (Eds.) Multimodal literacies and emerging genres in student compositions (pp. 15-36). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.

This chapter is about a teacher’s progression through three iterations of a class (at two universities) in multimodal composition, with a focus on how two students brought previous multiliteracy practices into the classroom, how that knowledge shaped instruction, and how the instructor learned to not assign texts by modes in a multimodal class so as to avoid a-generic production of wowless, “five-paragraph” videos.

accompanying materials


  • Update 6/08: Collection received advanced contract from Utah State University Press.
  • Update 4/09: Utah State Univ Press downsized; asked to send mss elsewhere.
  • Update 10/09: Collection reviewed by Pittsburgh University Press; co-editors responding to reviews.
  • Update 11/28/09: Email notification by editors for new revision deadline of Feb. 1, 2010, to be reviewed again by Pittsburgh UP.
  • Update 2/2/11: Email notification of contract by U of Pittsburgh Press. Ours is the lead chapter in the book. We had no revisions.


