“CIWIC, DMAC, and Technology Professional Development in Rhet/Comp” double special issue


DeVoss, Dànielle Nicole; Ball, Cheryl E.; Selfe, Cynthia; & DeWitt, Scott Lloyd. (Eds.). (2015, June). CIWIC, DMAC, and technology professional development in rhetoric and composition [Special issue]. Computers and Composition, 36, 1-66.

Ball, Cheryl E.; DeVoss, Dànielle Nicole; Selfe, Cynthia; & DeWitt, Scott Lloyd. (Eds.). (2015, June). CIWIC, DMAC, and technology professional development in rhetoric and composition [Special issue]. Computers and Composition Online. Retrieved from http://casit.bgsu.edu/cconline/ciwic_dmac/CC_ONLINE_INTRO/


CIWIC–Computers in Writing-Intensive Classrooms–and its spin-off, DMAC–Digital Media and Composition–celebrated their combined 30th anniversary during the Summer of 2015. These special issues mark that anniversary by exploring how rhetoric and composition scholars who attended CIWIC or DMAC have integrated that technological professional development experience into their academic lives. These special issues are a scholarly tribute and celebration of these internationally known workshops.

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