Category: Reviews
"Review of NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media & Culture"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2002). Review of NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media & Culture. In Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 7(3). abstract NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media and Culture is an online, peer-reviewed journal housed on the ibiblio server. The site is “a collaboration between the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill’s…
"Review of Inside the Communication Revolution"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2003). Review of Inside the communication revolution: Evolving patterns of social & technical interaction, Robin Mansell (Ed.). Journal of Business & Technical Communication, 18, 248–251. accompanying materials not available; closed-access publication
"Review of Writing Spaces, 2nd edition"
citation Ilyasova, Ksenia, & Ball, Cheryl E. (2004). Review of Writing spaces, 2nd ed., by Jay David Bolter. Technical Communication Quarterly, 13, 135–138. abstract self-explanatory accompanying materials Not available; Closed-access publication.
"States of Digital Scholarship: Review Essay"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (forthcoming, Jan. 2010). States of digital scholarship: Review essay of Scholarship in the digital age by Christine Borgman and Planned obsolescence by Kathleen Fitzpatrick. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 14(2). abstract A multimodal review essay of two prominent “books” about digital scholarship, Christine Borgman’s (2007) Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure,…