Tag: online
"Sound in/as Compositional Space" [Video]
citation Designer/Producer. (2006). Sound in/as compositional space [Video + website]. Computers and Composition Online. http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/sound abstract I designed this website and introductory video for the Sound special issue in C&C Online, which I guest-edited (with Byron Hawk). The video is a 2-minute mash-up/remix of the webtexts contained in the special issue and serves as our…
"Dr. Cheryl E. Ball: Tenure & Promotion Portfolio"
citation Designer/Author. (2006–present). Dr. Cheryl E. Ball: Tenure & Promotion Portfolio. https://ceball.com abstract This digital portfolio, which uses the WordPress blogging platform as its technological base, has been specifically designed (using an author-modified, open-source WordPress template) to host a living version of my CV for access by my tenure readers, students, and readers in my…
"Constructing a Tool for Assessing Scholarly Webtexts"
citation Designer. (2007). For Allison Warner [Author], Constructing a tool for assessing scholarly webtexts. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 12(1). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/12.1/binder.html?topoi/warner/index.html abstract This webtext presents a tool for assessing the scholarly value of online journal publications. It is part of a larger study that uses Kairos webtexts to investigate the scholarly nature of online texts. The…
"On a Digital Tenure Portfolio"
citation Writer/Producer. (2009, March 31). On a Digital Tenure Portfolio [Video]. First presented at 2009 Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, CA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJJER7diM6c abstract This short movie argues for presenting my tenure materials digitally and outlines the following research questions that are relevant to a digital portfolio and multimodal scholarship: How can tenure…
RAW Website
citation Ball, Cheryl E. [Designer]. (forthcoming, Winter 2009/10). RAW: Reading and writing new media [Website]. http://rawnewmedia.net. abstract This website accompanies the eponymous print book collection being published with Hampton Press and includes digital media materials supplied by the chapter authors. accompanying materials website
"Review of NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media & Culture"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2002). Review of NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media & Culture. In Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 7(3). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/7.3/binder.html?reviews/ball/index.html abstract NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media and Culture is an online, peer-reviewed journal housed on the ibiblio server. The site is “a collaboration between the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill’s…
"States of Digital Scholarship: Review Essay"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (forthcoming, Jan. 2010). States of digital scholarship: Review essay of Scholarship in the digital age by Christine Borgman and Planned obsolescence by Kathleen Fitzpatrick. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 14(2). abstract A multimodal review essay of two prominent “books” about digital scholarship, Christine Borgman’s (2007) Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure,…
"Best Practices for Online Journal Editors"
citation Council of Editors of Learned Journals. [Co-author on subcommittee for electronic journal guidelines]. (2008, May). Best Practices for Online Journal Editors. http://www.celj.org/downloads/CELJEjournalEditorsGuidelines.pdf abstract The Council of Editors of Learned Journals promotes electronic publishing as a legitimate method of disseminating creative and scholarly work in the humanities. The following compilation—representing the best current advice and…
"Designing Collaborative Learning Spaces"
citation Bemer, Amanda; Moeller, Ryan M.; & Ball, Cheryl E. (2009, September). Designing collaborative learning spaces: Where material culture meets mobile writing processes. Programmatic Perspectives: Journal of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication, 1(2). http://www.cptsc.org/pp/vol1-2/bemer_moeller_ball1-2.pdf abstract In May 2007, the Department of English at Utah State University (USU) redesigned its computer lab…
"Digital Scholarship and the New Work of the Book in Composition Studies"
citation Journet, Debra; Ball, Cheryl E.; & Trauman, Ryan. (in progress). Digital scholarship and the new work of the book in composition studies. In Debra Journet, Cheryl E. Ball, & Ryan Trauman (Eds.) The new work of composing. Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press. http://ccdigitalpress.org status Update 07/09: Prospectus with introduction submitted to…