Tag: online
"Integrating Multimodality into Composition Curricula"
citation Atkins, Anthony; Anderson, Daniel; Ball, Cheryl; Homicz Millar, Krista; Selfe, Cynthia; & Selfe, Richard. (2006). Integrating multimodality in composition curricula: Survey methodology and results from a CCCC Research Initiative grant. Composition Studies, 34(2), 59-84. abstract This article describes methodology and outcomes of a national survey conducted in 2005 to discover how instructors use multimodal…
"Picturing Texts Website"
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2004). Picturing Texts [Website]. New York: W.W. Norton. http://www.picturingtexts.com abstract [from site] Redefining composition to include conscious attention to images and design, Picturing Texts is a writing textbook that teaches how to compose visual texts as well as how to read them. This Web site is a repository of useful materials…
"The Rhetoric and Pedagogy of Portable Technologies"
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2004). The rhetoric and pedagogy of portable technologies [column + graphic]. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 9(1). http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/9.1 description This editorial column introduced four webtexts on wireless technologies, focusing on the rhetoric and pedagogy of wireless labs and writing classrooms, but also on whether these technologies actually help…
"Computers & Writing 2005: New Writing and Computer Technologies"
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Hewett, Beth L. (2006). Computers & Writing 2005: New writing and computer technologies. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 10(2). http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/10.2/binder2.html?coverweb/bridge.htm description This editorial column focuses on webtexts that originated as presentations at the 2005 Computers and Writing conference. This CoverWeb (themed) section contained six webtexts on a range of topics related…
Special Issue: Sound in/as Compositional Space
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Hawk, Byron. (Eds.). (2006, September). C&C Online [Special issue: Sound in/as compositional space]. http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/sound abstract This special issue addresses the rhetoric of aural and oral modes of communication. The webtexts (interactive online articles) in this collection vary from audio performances exemplifying multimodal mash-up techniques to the rhetorical implications of sound…
"The Intersections of Online Writing Spaces, Rhetorical Theory, and the Composition Classroom"
citation Cassorla, Leah; Ball, Cheryl E. [Graphic]; & Hewett, Beth L. (2005). The intersections of online writing spaces, rhetorical theory, and the composition classroom. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 10(1). http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/10.1/binder2.html?coverweb/bridge.htm description This CoverWeb (themed section) column introduces four webtexts about online communication. The texts include topics such as teaching digital writing, using templates and wikis…
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Hawk, Byron. (2006). sound+composition+space [Video]. C&C Online. [Special issue: Sound]. https://ceball.com/other/cconline/sound/intro1.mov abstract This mash-up of video and audio pieces serves as an introduction to the special issue on sound. Like a traditional “letter from the guest editors,” in which editors contextualize and provide abtracts of the articles in a special…
"Reading the Text: A Rhetoric of Wow"
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Rice, Rich. (2006). Reading the text: Remediating the text. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 10(2). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/10.2/binder2.html?coverweb/riceball abstract This webtext, presented as a DVD interface, discusses the situational contexts of teachers’ assessment practices in student-produced new media texts. Ball discusses a “rhetoric of wow” in approaching the reading of student texts from…
"Kairos: The Next Ten Years"
citation Ball, Cheryl E., Hewett, Beth L. Eyman, Douglas, & Inman, James. (2006). Kairos: The next ten years. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 11(1). http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/11.1/loggingon description The Logging On column in Kairos is equivalent to the editor’s letter in print journals. (This was my first time writing this column after being promoted to Editor.) The column…