Tag: webtext
Data from "Integrating Multimodality"
citation Anderson, Daniel; Anthony Atkins, Cheryl Ball, Krista Homicz Millar, Cynthia Selfe, Dickie Selfe [Writers], & Matt Bemer [Designer]. (2006). Data from a CCCC research grant survey on teaching multimodal composition. Composition Studies 34(2). http://www.compositionstudies.tcu.edu/archives/342/cccc-data/ abstract This website accompanies an article appearing in the print version of Composition Studies entitled “Integrating Multimodality in Composition Curricula:…
"Reading the Text: A Rhetoric of Wow"
citation Ball, Cheryl E., & Rice, Rich. (2006). Reading the text: Remediating the text. Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy, 10(2). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/10.2/binder2.html?coverweb/riceball abstract This webtext, presented as a DVD interface, discusses the situational contexts of teachers’ assessment practices in student-produced new media texts. Ball discusses a “rhetoric of wow” in approaching the reading of student texts from…