Category: Presentations, Invited
Pathways to Tech with a Liberal Arts Degree
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2016, October 7). Pathways to tech with a liberal arts degree. West Virginia Women and Technology Conference, Canaan Valley, WV. abstract This presentation was part of the 2016 West Virginia Women and Technology Conference and argues that a liberal arts degree provides graduates with communication and writing skills that are essential…
Getting to Digital Publishing at WVU
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2016, May 18). Getting to digital publishing at WVU. Library Publishing Forum, Denton, TX. abstract This discussion of the Vega academic publishing system and the future of digital publishing was the keynote address at the 2016 Library Publishing Forum, which brings together library professionals who are participating in or considering publishing…
Designing Peer Review for Digital Media Instruction
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2016, April 29). Designing peer review for digital media instruction. Writing on the Range conference, University of Denver, CO. abstract This keynote presentation at the University of Denver’s Writing on the Range conference details the multimodal writing pedagogy Cheryl Ball developed from her editorial work at the online journal Kairos. supplemental…
Digital Publishing as a Liberal Art
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2016, February 15). Digital publishing as a liberal art. Visiting Lecture Series. Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN. abstract This talk was part of Wabash College’s 2016 visiting lecture series. It addresses how reading and writing changed with the expansion of digital modes of communication in the 20th century and argues that interdisciplinary training…
A Life Online: Personal vs. Professional Persona
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2016, February 11). A life online: Personal vs. professional persona in portfolios, social media, and other online public fora. Visiting Scholar All-Campus Address, Findlay University, Findlay, OH. abstract This slideshow is from Cheryl Ball’s Visiting Scholar All-Campus Address, presented as part of her Spring 2016 tenure as Visiting Scholar in the…
An Archipelago of Multimedia Publishing
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, December 3). An archipelago of multimedia publishing. Digital Dissemination and its Others: Media Archaeology, Game Design and Knowledge Production in the Humanities. Skövde University, Skövde, Sweden. abstract This keynote presentation at the Digital Dissemination seminar at Skövde University in Sweden traces the development of the Vega Academic Publishing System from…
Teaching Multimodal Assignments Through an Editorial Pedagogy
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, October 22). Teaching multimodal assignments through an editorial pedagogy. Moravian College, Bethleham, PA. abstract Cheryl Ball presented at Moravian College on how she uses the editorial pedagogy she developed for her work as editor of the Journal Kairos to teach multimodal, digital scholarship to students in her classes. supplemental materials (view…
The Archipelago of Multimedia Publishing II
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, October 13). The archipelago of multimedia publishing. Digital Dialogues Series, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), University of Maryland–College Park, MD. abstract At the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities Fall Digital Dialogue series, Cheryl Ball discussed the forthcoming launch of Vega, a free, editorial-management platform that…
A Networked Archipelago of Digital Publishing at WVU
citation Ball, Cheryl E. (2015, October 9). A networked archipelago of digital publishing at WVU. Eberly College Visiting Alumni Committee, West Virginia University. abstract Presented to the Eberly College Visiting Alumni Committee, this presentation explains how the Vega academic publishing system enacts the principles of digital, multimodal, open access publishing. supplemental materials (view on SlideShare to see presentation notes)
Academic Publishing and Research Grant Writing
citation Ball, Cheryl E. with Jeff Grabill and Huiling Ding. (2015, October 1). Academic publishing and research grant writing. Fall for the Book Festival [Society of Technical Communication panel], Fairfax, VA. abstract In this talk, presented as part of the Fall for the Book Festival’s Society of Technical Communication panel, Cheryl Ball outlines how the Vega…